Sunday, December 18, 2005

Thank you Serene! I LOVE the cd! Its been a long time since a cd made me so happy =) My all-time favourite band, with all those songs that have been hard to find! And the chocolate too! I'm just so touched that you'd think of me... thanks so much =)

Best friend is back! eh, sorry about today, just not feeling very communicative. Hopefully things will get better from here...

Got home at 4 today, didn't really get much sleep. but thats really just an excuse. I just feel very unsettled and disturbed. why? i dont know.

We went to visit miss lim, must call her stephanie now, and her baby boy evan today. gosh, he's the cutest thing =) i'm generally not a kid/baby person, but babies are just designed to trigger off the nuturing response. But mostly, I felt awkward. Didn't know what to say to her. It's as though I felt so much, so many positive emotions, but when placed in a situation, I suddenly was incapable of expressing myself. I feel that way about of a lot things actually. I'm just really lousy at this.

Disjoint, disjuction, verge of despair? Its just a little melodrama, i'm fine. On most levels.


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